
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

My uncrafty Post

I  wanted to change gears a bit and share something that happened with my oldest daughter and now my youngest.  When my oldest was about 19 months old, she caught a cold (pretty normal, yes I know) except that it never went away.  Over the next 4 months we spent every week almost at the doctor's office. And every time it was the is your antibiotic, bye bye!  Now I think doctors are awesome and they help alot of people and our particular doctors are great, but there was something wrong.  Children don't spend 4 months with a 'cold' and don't get better.  She ran fevers, she had runny noses, coughing and developed sleep apnea.  In December our doctor recommended the ENT (Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist) which we saw and they recommended that we remove her adenoids and tonsils.  So at the ripe old age of 2 1/2, my oldest had her tonsils and adenoids removed.    That following fall the ear infections began, same thing 4 weeks out of the month and we were at the doctor's 5 times.  At the last visit the doctor prescribed an antibiotic just so we could make it to the ENT again.  What is the next step I asked?  Tubes was the reply.  During this time I researched on the Internet and discovered that food allergies can cause all the problems mentioned above.  So I decided to remove milk from her diet, which included all cow's milk, cheese, yogurt anything that had a trace of milk was removed from her diet.  Interesting enough there are alot of things that contain cow's milk that one would not think of.   After one day off 'milk' she was 75 percent better, within a few days ear infection was gone completely.  It was amazing!

So what does this have to do with the youngest?  Well, last week my youngest started throwing up, not sick throw up but almost like a spit up except her whole dinner would come up.  It started on Wednesday and on Friday we took her to the doctor and they said they didn't know what was wrong but it was probably 'teething'.  So Sunday we decided to switch her to soy milk and amazingly she stopped throwing up.  She is now eating better, not as fussy and sleeping better.  Pretty much everything I classified as 'teething' is gone.

I don't think cow's milk is a bad thing but I believe in being aware because I wasn't when my oldest first became sick.  Had we switched her to soy right away we would have saved a lot of time, money and energy.  If you think your child has a food allergy talk to your doctor and try the elimination process.  There are also lots of information and blogs on adults and children with food allergies just google it, and children can grow out of it.  My oldest is almost 5 and has been back on milk for about 1 year with no problems, no ear infections or respiratory infections. 

*Note*  Please Please talk to your doctor if you believe your child has allergies and you want to do food elimination.  Children require certain vitamins from certain foods and your doctor can advise you on what new food or substitutions you can use to make sure they are getting enough.

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